Mareike Wehner and Natalie Wallis describe how and why their university is encouraging non-traditional outputs At universities across the UK, researchers are doing brilliant work that […]
Today we released a press release about the next, funded phase of the Hidden REF! Read the press release below. A campaign to recognise the ‘hidden’ […]
Rachel Brazil at Nature investigates how large-scale evaluation permeates the UK university system, but some countries are rejecting harsh judgements and emphasizing strategic development. Read the […]
An output from the campaign so far is a published white paper. Shaping the future of research evaluation. Insights from The Festival of Hidden REF. Authors: Derrick, […]
In this podcast, Simon Hettrick and Alex Freeman discuss the need for change in research assessment and how this can be achieved. Delving into the limitations […]
Universities shouldn’t have to ask what a good research culture looks like, says Gemma Derrick. The UK university sector is exhausted. We are suffering a hangover […]
Research Culture Uncovered asks what is Research Culture and why does it matter? In this episode, Ged Hall, Academic Development Consultant for Research Impact, chats to […]
Peter Schmidt from the Code for Thought podcast visited the Hidden REF and recorded a special episode about the Festival and our work. In the podcast […]