Recognising the people who are vital to research
If we do not recognise the people who are vital to research, we limit our ability to conduct research.
We are working towards a research culture that recognises everyone who is involved in the conduct of research. This will make research more equitable and more effective.
Celebrating all outputs that are vital to research
Modern research relies on more than just scholarly publications and books. It would not be possible to conduct research without everything from software to compositions.
These outputs are fundamental to the reliability and reproducibility of research. If we celebrate all of the outputs on which it research relies we will build a more effective research environment.

Building a community to advance research
The Hidden REF began as a one-off national competition in 2020 with the goal of celebrating all research outputs and everyone who is involved in their creation. It has since become a widely recognised campaign.
The Hidden REF’s open and deeply collaborative philosophy has created its greatest strength: a passionate and highly engaged grassroots community, which includes many people who are not typically included in the development of research policy.
We also benefit from the invaluable support or a range of organisations that work with us to raise awareness and effect change. The Hidden REF was originally an entirely volunteer-run activity. We are very grateful to the Software Sustainability Institute which supported some staff activities and provided the initial funding to start the competition.
In 2023, we launched the Festival of Hidden REF to bring our community together and help them campaign on our behalf.

Why do we need the hidden REF?

Research has changed. We rely on many people and many different skills to conduct research
Recognition of research excellence has not kept pace with changes in research roles
The Hidden REF looks beyond traditional metrics to reward everyone who is vital to research
If we do not recognise everyone involved in research, we limit our ability to conduct research
In the 2021 REF
research outputs registered
In the 2021 REF
of these outputs were based on publications
In the 2021 REF
of outputs represented all contributions madeto research other than publications
Recognition by Hidden REF challenged me to step up as a role model and advocate for hidden roles in research, further fostering a culture of collaboration and respect to empower others.
2021 highly commendedLeila Whitworth
University of OxfordBeing highly commended in the Hidden REF competition was a significant recognition to the ARCHER2 training team efforts. It boosted our morale and motivated us to keep pushing the boundaries of excellence.
2021 highly commendedDr Juan Rodriguez Herrera
EPCC, University of EdinburghWinning the Hidden REF brought my work to the attention of people at my university and I believe it helped my work being selected for a REF impact case study.
2021 winnerProf. Fiona Macpherson
University of GlasgowThe Hidden REF provided me and the Parables of Care team with motivation and the reassurance that so-called ‘alternative’ or ‘non-traditional’ academic research outputs are valuable and appreciated by scholarly and public communities.
2021 highly commendedDr Ernesto Priego
City, University of LondonWinning the Hidden REF gave me valuable evidence for the impact of my work. It’s a win in a national competition which I’ve since used to support funding applications and even a promotion.
2021 winnerProfessor Emily Sena
University of Edinburgh