Celebrating all research outputs and roles

The Hidden REF Competition
The Hidden REF competition was launched in 2021. It is a community-driven, national event that raises awareness of NTOs and hidden roles, and provides a platform for understanding them. The first two competitions received 230 submissions from around 100 organisations.
The results from the 2024 competition are copied below. You can review details on the submission categories, the submissions and review process and the panel composition and working methods that we used. You can also see the results from the competition in 2021.
The next competition will take place in Autumn 2026, and there will be many more Hidden REF activities taking place in the run up to the next competition.
Applications of research
- Winner – Sarjhana Brindha, CAMHS Digital Lab, King’s College London, myHealthE
- Highly commended – Claire Jones, University of Dundee, Supporting Clinical Trials through Healthcare Informatics
Communicative Outputs
- Winner – Holly Blake, University of Nottingham, A Digital Package for Mitigating the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Health and Care Workers
- Highly commended – Lynne Bianchi, SEERIH, University of Manchester, The Great Science Share for Schools (GSSfS) and;
- Highly commended – Hannah Baumeister, Liverpool John Moores University, Forced marriage comic ‘I choose’
- Winner – Open Research Scotland Group
- Highly commended – Professor Fiona Macpherson, Professor Anil Seth, Dr Reny Baykova, Dr David Schwartzman, Mr Trevor Hewitt, Dr James Alvarex, The Perception Census
- Highly commended – Patti Biggs, Francis Crick Institute, 3Rs search strategies for PubMed
- Highly commended – David Sims, University of Oxford, The X-NET cross-disciplinary network
- Highly commended – The Turing Way’s Accessibility Working Group
- Winner – Research and Development Workshops team at the University of Exeter
- Highly commended – Katherine Deane, University of East Anglia, Catapult Cell and Gene Therapy ATMP lab
- Highly commended – Simon Kerridge, University of Kent, Kerridge Research Consulting and Liz Allen, Cogency – Research for Impact Ltd, The Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT)
Hidden Role
- Winner – Jenni Adams, Open Research Manager at the University of Sheffield
- Winner – Laura Henderson, Research Development Manager at the Royal Brompton Hospital, part of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust – “Hidden role” of Research Office staff member recognised with award | Royal Brompton & Harefield hospitals
- Highly commended – Dr Fran Pontin, Senior Research Data Scientist for the Consumer Data Research Centre at the University of Leeds
- Highly commended– Jenny Baker, Susanna Rose, Karen Hogg, James Fox, and Katrien van Bocxlaer – the Phlebotomy team at the University of York
- Highly commended – Sarah Gibson, Danny Garside, Brigitta Sipocz and Jim Madge, the Open Infrastructure Working group for The Turing Way at the Alan Turing Institute