Imagine a REF that recognises the contribution of everyone involved in the development and realisation of research – the technicians, the Research Managers, the non-academic gatherers […]
Universities shouldn’t have to ask what a good research culture looks like, says Gemma Derrick. The UK university sector is exhausted. We are suffering a hangover […]
Research Culture Uncovered asks what is Research Culture and why does it matter? In this episode, Ged Hall, Academic Development Consultant for Research Impact, chats to […]
F1000 is pleased to support Code for Thought’s special Hidden REF festival podcast. They were also delighted to attend the festival, which (forgive the pun) gave them […]
Peter Schmidt from the Code for Thought podcast visited the Hidden REF and recorded a special episode about the Festival and our work. In the podcast […]
The Alan Turing Institute and The Turing Way supported the inaugural Festival of Hidden REF that took place in Bristol on Thursday 21 September 2023. This unique event brought together […]
Research managers, citizen scientists, librarians and technicians rarely make it onto author lists. But an initiative to assess their hidden contributions to team science moved some […]
The research landscape is changing, yet current research assessment practices have failed to keep up. The way in which research is judged overlooks many of the […]
The new REF rules are welcome, but change will only truly occur if institutions finally get over their obsession with publications, says the Hidden REF committee […]